Shuangfeiren® Antibacterial Cream

  • Detail
  • Parameters

Shuangfeiren® Antibacterial Cream

[Product Name] Shuangfeiren® Antibacterial Cream

[Main ingredients] Chlorhexidine acetate 0.25%, camphor 1.5%, menthol 1.5%, borneol 1.5%, glycerol 5%, etc.

[Specifications] 15g/piece

[Dosage Form] Ointment

[Scope of use] It is used for the inhibition of bacteria on the skin surface and is suitable for the general population.

[Antibacterial microorganism category] This product has a strong antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli.

[Usage method] External use on the skin, massage for absorption.

[Precautions] 1. It is forbidden for pregnant women and infants, please keep it out of reach of children.

                  2. This product is a topical cream, do not take it orally. If you have allergies, stop it.

                  3. Disabled if the skin is damaged.

[Storage] Sealed and placed in a cool and dry place.

[Valid period] Two years

[Permit No.] Ganwei Xiaozheng Zi (2016) No. 0024

[Executive standard] Q/JYC 001-2016

[Manufacturer] Jiujiang Yuchun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

[Address] Next to the Administrative Committee of Jinlu Avenue Industrial Park, Jinlu Industrial Park, Xingzi County

[After-sales phone] 0792-2630999

[Zip Code] 332800