OEM processing of iodophor cotton balls

  • Detail
  • Parameters

Name: Iodophor cotton ball

Scope of application: used for skin disinfection and wound cleaning.

Specification: 10g/bottle-500g/bottle, see packaging for specific specifications.

Performance structure and composition: It is made by soaking medical absorbent cotton with iodophor solution.

How to use: Use tweezers to take out the cotton balls one by one.

Note: It should be discarded after use and cannot be reused.

Product contraindications: People who are allergic to iodine should use it with caution.

Transportation and storage: 1. Pay attention to prevent damage, rain and exposure during transportation, and store in a well-ventilated, dry and clean room.

                  2. This product contains alcohol, which is flammable and keep away from fire.

Product standard number: YZB/Yue Sui 0068-2013 "Iodophor Cotton Ball"

Product registration certificate number: Yuesui Food and Drug Administration Apparatus (quasi) 2013 No. 1640091

Production unit: Guangzhou Xingmu Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: Spider Land, Jifeng Village, Zhongxin Town, Zengcheng, Guangzhou